We all have a vested interest in eliminating waste and embracing new practices that advance the continual use of the earth’s resources. But where do we start? How do we turn complex issues into simple, easy to implement solutions?

KIC collect KIC's paper materials to reUSE and pay back its cost to our customers by price discount.

KIC has been working with its supply chain to decrease the material weight per unit usage. KIC was the pioneer in this era and introduced the lightest weight per unit usage for our

KIC appeal how to use packaging mateirals into recyclable way to the plastic packaging association.
In many aspects from the purchase of materials, extruding, cooling, annealing, packaging, to delivering KIC is expanding its environmental management. Power consumption was reduced by 20% by carrying out production power construction. About the various problems that occur when you use recyclable materials and research in conjunction with universities and external agencies to the project.
If you can't help but use petrochemical products,
1. reDUCE the material usage amount
2. reCYCLE the materials
3. reUSE what you use
We are spurring ESG management,
such as developing sustainable packaging materials, and taking the lead for a sustainable future.